Recipe: Perfect Potato Soup I love most any soup. I have also started making mine healthier because of my Health

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Potato Soup I love most any soup. I have also started making mine healthier because of my Health.

Potato Soup
 I love most any soup. 
I have also started making mine healthier because of my Health You can have Potato Soup I love most any soup. I have also started making mine healthier because of my Health using 13 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Potato Soup I love most any soup. I have also started making mine healthier because of my Health

  1. Prepare 5-6 of large potatoes peeled and cut into large bite size pieces.
  2. It's 4 of large carrots cleaned peels diced.
  3. It's 2 of celery stalks cleaned diced.
  4. You need 4 cloves of roasted garlic minced.
  5. Prepare of Options: 1 cup of Low fat milk, (I use plain almond milk), or heavy cream.
  6. Prepare 6 cups of low sodium chicken broth.
  7. It's to taste of Seasonings.
  8. Prepare Pinch of celery seed, paprika, cumin, onion powder, Garlic Powder, oregano, Basil, salt and pepper to taste. I like quite a bit of pepper.
  9. It's of Add liquids to large soup pot.
  10. You need of Add prepped vegetables and seasonings. I always cook on medium low until vegetables are tender.
  11. Prepare of Once vegetables are tender, I use an Emulsion Blender to blend and with this I can leave as many or as little potato chunks as I like.
  12. Prepare of I leave on stove top about 3 hours on low. In the slow cooker I cook about 4-5 hours.
  13. Prepare of Adjust to your liking.

Potato Soup I love most any soup. I have also started making mine healthier because of my Health instructions

  1. Eat and enjoy.